Waihi's Ethical Gold & Silver

Ethical Gold & Silver is best described as Responsible Gold & Silver or Traceable Gold & Silver.

The principles of Ethical Gold & Silver require greater transparency and responsibility of all participants in the gold supply chain, including producers, traders, refiners, jewellers and certification bodies ensuring a strong human value bullion which is mined under strict guidelines that ensure sustainability for local communities affected by mining operations, including:

Environmental Programs to ensure high standards of water quality and fauna protection and regeneration are achieved.

  • Water Treatment Plants
  • Native Forest Regeneration

Social Programs that assist local communities affected by mining operations.

  • Schools donations
  • Real estate top ups
  • Blast affects

Economic Contribution - Local communities are benefiting from job, health and safety skills development, which will create employment opportunities well beyond the life of the mine.

  • Employee's Remuneration
  • Charitable Donations
  • Royalties

In New Zealand Maori call this Manaakitanga and Kaitiakitanga which both describes our commitment as safe keepers of this land and entrust what we do is available for our future generations.

Manaakitanga - the process of showing respect, generosity and care for others.
Kaitiakitanga - guardianship, stewardship, trusteeship, trustee.


Responsible Gold Supply Chain


Ethical Chain